Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Believe or not everything went smoothly.!!!

My facilitator's Sister show up and on time! Yeah! Whoo HOOOOO!!!! She stayed the whole time which was four hours. She had my binder with her. They didn't ask for any paper work. I just had to sign the D840 (not for sure if this is correct numbers) and the Vacination form in froNT of the interviewer. They ask me three simple questions and it was over!!! Libby slept for 2 hours and ate and played for the other two.

We are on our own tommorow. I am going to get a taxi driver from the Marriott and he is going to stay with us, until we get the visa.

I feel so much better today! What an experience this has been. But I would do it over again in a heart beat for a little girl named Libby!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hugs to both of you!!!